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IS-NESS and Suffering

Linda Rhees

Always we hope Someone else has the answer Some other place will be better, Some other time it will all turn out. This is it. No one else has the answer No other place will be better, And it has already turned out. At the center of your being You have the answer, You know who you are And you know what you want. There is no need To run outside For better seeing. Nor to peer from a window. Rather abide at the center of your being; For the more you leave it, the less you learn. Search your heart And see The way to do Is to be.” – Lao Tzu

There is nothing wrong with you. You are enough. Be. Simply BE. When you do so, you brilliantly reflect the light of your IS-NESS. We are human “be”ings, so, BE. Be on purpose.

“And so it is”. This phrase is often uttered following intentional prayer, whether we are conscious, or unconsciously praying for a change. What we wish may happen instantaneously or show up when we no longer want that for which we wished. Intention. Become aware of what IS in each moment and acknowledge your part in its creation, it’s IS-NESS. Adopt a sense of curiosity, versus observing with a sense of shame, frustration or longing for change. Allow. Be. Notice what simply IS.

Consider the possibility that the root causes of mental suffering can be summed up as the longing for that which we do not have and the longing for that which we do have but no longer desire. Ring a bell? Reframe your suffering into an obvious guidance system. Observe. Allow. Become curious. Be kind to yourself. The way out of any sticky situation is always through. Recognize what IS, take a deep breath, and upon closer examination, notice the guidance that comes with allowing yourself to simply see what IS and the way that what IS either fits perfectly or IS no longer comfortable or acceptable. Great Information! This type of inner inquiry allows the mind to become invested in being present. Recognizing your state of IS-NESS, with curiosity and gratitude for what the guidance IS, well, this can be profound.

What IS is what is real. When we align with what is real for ourselves, there seems to be some kind of synchronistic code, a synchronistic alignment, and our perception’s pull, or shift, becomes irresistible. It might be helpful to consult a map if one doesn’t know where one is, right? Stop, observe, be curious, respect and take responsibility for what IS. And, use the guidance.

There really isn’t much more to say in this little blog. Adopting the allowing of IS-NESS can create an ability to remain centered and grounded in the moment. It allows us to observe ourselves without the sway of judgement, self-recrimination and suffering. Simply BE and know that your suffering will change when you allow, when you BE. When you observe what IS, then you say “yes” to the IS-NESS of life itself, and your suffering shifts. Truly, not much more to say. You IS..and isn’t that, by itself, a miracle?!

There is nothing wrong with you. You are enough. Be. Simply BE. When you do, you brilliantly reflect the light of your IS-NESS. The world needs what and who you are. Allowing will aid in your becoming more genuinely visible to yourself and others. Again, we are human “be”ings, so, BE, not this or that, just BE. BE on purpose. And Be Here Now (thanks, Ram Dass).

This IS-NESS business..seems to be something to it. Namaste, friend. YOU GOT THIS!

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